Animals are often used in healing
therapy as they hold a magical
and non-judgmental space and
easily connects with your heart. 


More about the magic of dogs

In ancient healing traditions, it is common to bring in the presence of animals. Animals carry an unique and completely pure energetic frequency that provides healing for us humans. I grew up with dogs, and ever since I started offering sessions, I have included my own dogs as part of the healing session. It is magic to witness the healing that happens when human and dog meet, heart to heart, in a communication beyond words. 

Currently “in service” is Lejon, a wise and graceful female Labrador retriever with the biggest heart you’ll ever meet.

During a healing session with one of my dogs present, you will lay comfortably down (sometimes on a mattress on the floor) so that we can move freely around you. Each session is different and unique depending on what you need. 

A session can help with:

  • Releasing and transforming trauma

  • Connecting to your heart and higher realms

  • Expanding your awareness and receive clarity

  • Increase your well-being

  • Physical pain

  • …and much more!


Animal Communication & Healing

A session with your animal companion is an exciting way to get to know your animal and the soul purpose of your four-legged friend! As well as the animal being its own magical and unique creature, your animal also works as an extension of you and mirrors what’s going on inside of you and your family dynamic. Essentially, healing work for your animal also means healing for YOU. 

After a session, clients have reported feeling closer to their animal, more harmony in the family and a deeper understanding of each other.

A session include communication and healing. To do an animal reading, I will need a picture of your animal, basic information and your questions and/or any concerns.

Please contact me, and I will get back to you with the date for your session. In an animal reading you will receive a written report on the day of your session.

Please note that while I can help with physical discomforts, I’m not able to cure any illnesses that the animal may have.